Tuesday, June 17, 2014

No Shit Sherlock

Oh my god, I just watched the entire third season of Sherlock. 



In other news, I know I haven't really posted anything in a few months. I guess I kinda lost inspiration at first, and then I didn't make any effort to write. I've put some safeguards into place so that that doesn't happen again. I know that no one really reads this, but writing it does a lot for me, both as writing practice and as an outlet for my emotions.

And one more Sherlock gif, because Benedict Cumberbatch.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I recently started a long-term project to clear the clutter from my life. I'm beginning with my clothes, but for now I'm just packing away the things I think I don't need. As of a few days ago, I have 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of sweat pants, 1 pair of multipurpose work pants, 2 tank tops, 3 T-shirts, exercise clothes, and a few party/formal outfits. So far, so good. Things are so much simpler in the mornings now. I can actually be ready to go in 15 minutes, 30 if I need a shower. This is awesome.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Today, I'm having the sort of day where I just feel small, tired, and insignificant. I'm trying a couple of different things to pull myself out of this funk. I put together a playlist of the best, most inspiring music I could find, and right now I'm looking at pictures of kittens.

Next, I'm gonna eat a big green salad. If that doesn't help, I'll go on a chocolate raid, and then roll in the snow barefoot. Or I could bake cookies and draw. Later I'm going to fencing, so maybe that'll help. I hear that stabbing people is very therapeutic.

If you have any ideas for me, feel free to comment.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Want to Climb Mt. Huashan

Seriously, it's on my bucket list. If you haven't heard of it before, check out this link.

I don't know if I'm crazy, but this looks awesome. Maybe I just like the idea of climbing all that way to seek refuge from the elements at a peaceful tea house. I've never really wanted to go to China, but now I think I'll have to.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

On the Topic of Religion

     Ah, religion. I can't seem to decide what to believe. I suppose I believe in an energy field made up of and connected to everything, and I'd like to think that we are all in control of our lives, and mind over matter.

     But really who knows? Maybe this is all a dream, or we're really trapped in the matrix. Maybe the world ends tomorrow, maybe we're all going to hell for lying and judging people, or maybe this is it.

       I do think that all the major organized religions were invented as tools to keep people in check using fear.
     But I guess that all we can do is go through life with hope, be as happy as we can, and keep an open mind.

Let's end on a laugh, shall we?

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Few Words on Gay Marriage

I believe that, so long as all parties are informed consenting adults, they should be able to have whatever relationship they want with each other, and that no one should be allowed to dictate anyone else's sexuality. It isn't hurting anyone else, so let them be. If anyone anti-gay marriage is reading this, then tell me, how would you feel if it were the other way around, if people tried to tell you it was wrong to be straight, and if it was illegal for heterosexual couples to get married in the majority of America?

Doctor Who Love

If you've never seen Doctor Who, you should. Right now. I mean it. Open a new tab, go to netflix, and start watching. It is the most amazing, inspiring show I have ever seen. Practically life changing. If I had to definitively choose a religion, right this instant, it would be Whovianism. Because Doctor Who isn't just a show, it's an idea. And ideas are bullet proof. (Let's play name that quote!)

 I'm feeling very energetic and somewhat obsessive after just watching The Time of the Doctor. Goodbye Matt Smith, we'll miss you, and we won't forget, not one single line.

 And hello, Peter Capaldi. Aren't you just dashing? Even though he only had like two minutes of screen time, I can tell he's going to be fantastic.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Hello ;-)

On this blog, I plan to talk about my various experiences and philosophical viewpoints. Truthfully, I am writing this blog mostly for myself, to gain experience as a writer and to sort through my beliefs. I do hope that my writing will entertain and/or help you, and any feedback given is appreciated.